SCC Campus Store Rental Program
Rental Books that were rented during this semester are due back to the SCC Campus no later than the date posted above.
Securing credit cards or student accounts will be charged one week after the due date for all non-returned rental textbooks. Past that date all non-returned textbooks are the property of the the student and cannot be returned to the Campus Store.
For non-returned textbook rentals, any secured credit card transactions that do not process properly will instead be applied to a student's account. Students will not be able to enroll for subsequent semesters until the balance is paid in full.
Rental Textbook Q & A
Q: Are all textbooks available for rental?
A: Not all, but we try to make available as many as possible. A rental price will be listed if the title is a rental option.
Q: What % will I save by renting my books?
A: There is no set % off for rental books. The price is determined based on the projected value of the book when the rental period is over. Since this is different for all books, the rental savings will vary.
Q: What is better: renting, or purchasing and then selling back at the end of the semester?
A: Both are good options, it just depends on what’s best for you. One question to ask yourself is if you will need this book for multiple semesters. If yes, you will most likely want to purchase the book instead of having to rent the book multiple times.
Q: Do I get money back at the end of the semester?
A: No, you receive those saving at the beginning of the semester by paying less now for the rental price.
Q: How do I rent textbooks?
A1: If checking out in our store- Simply bring your books to a cashier and they will ask if you would like to purchase or rent each title that is available as a rental. A credit card is needed to secure the rental in case the title is not returned by the designated return date. A rental agreement will need to be signed at the end of the transaction.
A2:If checking out at our website- Just click on the rental option for each book. A credit card is needed to secure the rental in case the title is not returned by the designated return date. A rental agreement will need to be acknowledged by clicking a box before the transaction can be completed.
Q: When is my rental due back?
A: The rental agreement signed upon check out will list the return date for each rental title. This date is typically at the end of the semester the book is being used for. A good way to remember is that when you are taking your finals, your rentals will be due by the end of that week.
Q: Can I return my rental before the due date?
A: Yes, a rental may be returned anytime before the due date listed on the rental agreement.
Q: Can someone else return my rental for me?
A: Yes, just have the person let us know who the rental is for as well as your student ID number so we can make sure it is logged as being returned for the correct person.
Q: What if I don’t remember if I rented a textbook or not?
A: Rental reminders that list the books you rented will be emailed out at the end of the rental period. These reminders will go to the email address you listed when first renting the book.
Q: Can I purchase a book that I originally rented?
A: Yes, If you want to keep the rental book at the end of the semester you can pay the difference of the purchase price minus the rental price you already paid.
Store Hours: (Week of 2/2 to 2/8)
Tuesday: 8:00 A.M.- 5:00 P.M.
Wednesday: 8:00 A.M.- 5:00 P.M.
Thursday: 8:00 A.M.- 5:00 P.M.
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED